get col(1) -e npts /* find out the total number of rows in the * first column, and assume that to be the * same for the worksheet */ FirstWaveNum = 1004 /* you may open a dialog box here * to get the actual value */ col(WaveNum)=data(FirstWaveNum,FirstWaveNum+npts-1) /* column WaveNum contains the X values */ col(Diff)=col(Sample) col(Diff)-=col(Ref) /* these two lines perform the same as * col(Diff)=col(Sample)-col(Ref) * but it is much faster */ for(i=2;i col(Diff)[i-1] && y > col(Diff)[i+1]) { %(%H,5,i)=$(x); /* we can not use the col()[] notation for * text values. */ type -q "found a peak at $(x)"; } } worksheet -s 4 0 5 0 /* select column 4 through 5 */ worksheet -plot 200 Scatter /* plot the selected columns into a template * named Scatter and plot as a line(200) graph */